Rule 1: Definitions
- Full Text
- Definitions
- Standard Format of Electronic Rules
- Restricted Items
- Application of Tariff
- Classes of Service
- Refusal to Transport - Limitations of Carrier
- Passenger Expenses En Route
- Taxes
- Administrative Formalities - Passports, Visas, and Tourist Cards
- Liability of Carriers
- Service Animals
- Reservations
- Tickets
- Returned Check Charge
- Revised Routings, Failure to Carry, and Missed Connections
- Schedules, Delays, and Cancellation of Flights
- Denied Boarding Compensation
- Refunds
- Amenities/Services for Delayed Passengers
- Acceptance of Baggage
- Rule 100: Conditions and Charges for Acceptance of Special Items
- Acceptance of Pets and Animals
- Checked and Carry-On Baggage
- Baggage Allowance
- Excess Baggage Charges
- Excess Value Charges for Baggage
- Fares
- Stopovers
- Routings
- 규정 200: 소아 탑승 허용
- Passengers On Stretchers
As used herein:
- Add-On Fare:
- see "arbitrary"
- Africa
- means the area comprised of all the countries on the continent of Africa, other than Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Egypt, but including the following islands: Cape Verde, Comoro, Fernando Poo, Malagasy, Mauritius, Reunion, Sao Tome and Seychelles.
- Animals
- (applicable between Canada and Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands) in addition to the usual connotation, include reptiles, birds, poultry and fish.
- Arbitrary
- means an amount published for use only in combination with other fares for the construction of through fares. it is also referred to as "Proportional Fare", "Basing Fare", and "Add-On Fare".
- Area No. 1:
- means all of the North and South American continents and the islands adjacent thereto; Greenland, Bermuda, the West Indies and the islands of the Caribbean Sea, the Hawaiian Islands (including Midway and Palmyra).
- Area No. 2
- means all of Europe (including that part of the Russian Republic in Europe) and the islands adjacent thereto; Iceland, the Azores, all of Africa and the islands adjacent thereto; Ascension Island; that part of Asia lying west of and including Iran, Islamic Republic of.
- Area No. 3
- means all of Asia and the islands adjacent thereto except that portion included in area no. 2; all of the East Indies, Australia, New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto; the islands of the Pacific Ocean except those included in area no. 1.
- Australasia
- means Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand; New Hebrides, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tahiti and the islands adjacent thereto.
- Baggage
- , which is equivalent to luggage, means, such articles, effects and other personal property of a passenger as are necessary or appropriate for wear, use, comfort or convenience in connection with his trip. Unless otherwise specified, it shall include both checked and unchecked baggage of the passenger.
- Banker's Buying Rate
- means the rate at which, for the purpose of the transfer of funds through banking channels (i.e. other than transaction in bank notes, travellers cheques and similar banking instruments), a bank will purchase a given amount of foreign currency in exchange for one unit (or units) of the national currency of the country in which the exchange transaction takes place.
- Banker's Selling Rate
- means the rate at which, for the purpose of the transfer of funds through banking channels (i.e. other than transactions in bank notes, travellers cheques and similar banking instruments), a bank will sell a given amount of foreign currency in exchange for one unit (or units) of the national currency of the country in which the exchange transaction takes place.
- Baggage Check
- means those portions of the ticket which provide for the carriage of passenger's checked baggage and which are issued by carrier as a receipt for passenger's checked baggage.
- Baggage Tag
- means a document issued by carrier solely for identification of checked baggage, the baggage (strap) tag portion of which is attached by carrier to a particular article of checked baggage and the baggage (claim) tag portion of which is given to the passenger.
- Basing Fare:
- see "arbitrary"
- Calendar Month
- - period of time starting with any day in a month, identified by number, and ending with the same day of the following month. When the same day does not occur in the following month this period ends on the last day of that month.
- Calendar Week
- means a period of seven days starting at 12:01 a.m. Sunday and ending at l2:00 p.m. of the following Saturday; provided that when a carrier offers only once a week service between two points, it shall mean a period of eight days commencing with 12:01 a.m. on the day the flight operates.
- Caribbean Area
- means the area comprising:
- (not applicable between Canada and Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands) Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, West Indies and Windward Islands.
- (applicable between Canada and Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands.) Antigua, Bahama Islands, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Trinidad/Tobago.
- Carriage
- , which is equivalent to transportation, means carriage of passengers and/or baggage by air, gratuitously or for hire.
- Carrier
- means the air carrier issuing the ticket and all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the passenger and/or his baggage thereunder or perform or undertake to perform any other services related to such air carriage.
- Central Africa
- means the area comprising Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
- Central America
- means the area comprising Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
- Circle Trips
- means travel from a point and return thereto by a continuous, circuitous air route; provided that where no reasonable direct scheduled air route is available between two points, a break in the circle may be travelled by any other means of transportation without prejudice to the circle trip.
- Civil Aeronautics Board
- means department of transportation.
- Conjunction Ticket
- means two or more tickets concurrently issued to a passenger and which together constitute a single contract of carriage.
- Consequential Damages
- means damages which are reasonable out of pocket expenses and other provable damages incurred by passenger as the consequence of the loss, damage, or delay in the delivery of such personal property.
- Continental U.S.A.
- or Continental United States each means the Sistrict of Columbia and all states of the united states other than Alaska and Hawaii.
- Convention
- means the convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international transportation by air signed at Warsaw, October 12, 1929, or such convention as amended (“Warsaw Convention”), or the convention for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by air, signed at Montreal, May 28, 1999, as amended (“Montreal Convention”), whichever may be applicable to carriage hereunder.
- Country of Commencement of Transportation
- means the country from which travel on the first international sector takes place.
- Country of Payment
- means the country where payment is made by the purchaser to the airline or its agent; payment by cheque, credit card or other banking instruments shall be deemed to have been made at the place where such instrument is accepted by the airline or its agent.
- Date of Transaction
- means the date of issuance of the ticket, MCO or PTA.
- Days
- means full calendar days, including Sundays and legal holidays; provided that for the purposes of notification the balance of the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and that for purposes of determining duration of validity, the balance of the day upon which the ticket is issued or flight commenced shall not be counted.
- Destination
- means the ultimate destination of the passenger's journey as shown on the ticket.
- Domestic Carriage
- means (except as otherwise specified) carriage in which, according to the contract of carriage, the place of departure, the place of destination or stopover, and the entire transportation are within the sovereign state.
- East Africa
- means the area comprising Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.
- Eastbound
- means travel from a point in Area No. 1 to a point in Areas No. 2 or 3 via the Atlantic Ocean or travel from points in Area Nos. 2 or 3 to a point in Area No. 1 via the Pacific Ocean.
- Educational Establishment
- means a school-academy-college or university offering full time educational-vocational or technical courses for a school year and does not include a commerical office, industrial or military establishment or a hospital at which a student is serving an apprenticeship unless such apprenticeship is part of the school curriculum of the educational establishment at which the student is enrolled.
- Europe
- means the area comprised of Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey in Europe and Asia, United Kingdom, Russian Federation (west of the Ural Mountains) and Yugoslavia.
- Fare Component
- refers to each local currency fare (except addons) where more than one such fare is used in construction of the total fare for a journey.
- Flight Coupon
- means a portion of the passenger ticket that indicates particular places between which the coupon is good for carriage.
- Foreign Air Transportation
- means transportation between a point in the United States and a point outside thereof.
- French Gold Francs
- means the Francs consisting of 65.50 milligrams of gold with a fineness of nine hundred thousandths.
- Gateway
- means the passenger's first point of arrival or last point of departure in Areas 1, 2 or 3.
- Guardian
- means a legal guardian or a person acting in lieu of parents in the event of death or legal incapacity of parents.
- Iata Rate of Exchange
- means the rate of exchange issued by Iata from time to time and published in rule 145 (e).
- Iberian Peninsula
- means the area comprised of Gibralter, Portugal (including Azores and Madeira) and Spain (including Balearic and Canary Islands).
- Immediate Family
- , except as otherwise indicated, shall mean: spouse, children, adopted children, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, brothers, brothers-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, parents, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law and grandparents.
- Indian Subcontinent
- means the area comprised of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
- Interline Transfer Point
- means any point at which the passenger transfers from the services of one carrier to the services of another carrier.
- Interline Transportation
- means transportation on the services of more than one carrier.
- International Carriage
- means (except when the convention is applicable) carriage in which, according to the contract of carriage, the place of departure and any place of landing are situated in more than one state. As used in this definition, the term "state" includes all territory subject to the sovereignty, suzerainty, mandate, authority or trusteeship thereof. International Carriage as defined by the convention means any carriage in which, according to the Contract of Carriage, the place of departure and the place of destination, whether or not there be a break in the carriage or a transshipment, are situated either within the territories of two high contracting parties to the convention or within the territory of a single high contracting party to the convention, if there is an agreed stopping place within a territory subject to the sovereignty, suzerainty, mandate or authority of another power even though that power is not a party to the convention.
- International Transportation
- means any transportation or other services, furnished by any carrier, which are included within the scope of the term "international transportation" as used in the convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international transportation by air signed at Warsaw, October l2, l929, or such convention as amended (“Warsaw Convention”), or the convention for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by air, signed at Montreal, May 28, 1999, as amended (“Montreal Convention”), whichever may be applicable to the transportation hereunder and to which the said convention applies. For the purpose of determining the applicability of the term "International Transportation:" all stops between the original place of departure and the place of final destination scheduled by any carrier by air which participates in the transportation between such places, as shown in the schedules or time tables of such carriers shall constitute "agreed stopping places;" but each participating carrier reserves the right to alter the "agreed stopping places" in the case of necessity without thereby depriving the transportation of its international character; and single operation. Transportation to be performed by several successive carriers by air, arrangements for which are made in advance, is regarded as "a single operation" and shall be deemed to be "one undivided transportation" whether one or more tickets or other documents are issued to cover such transportation, and whether or not all such tickets or documents are issued prior to the commencement of such transportation; but this provision shall not be deemed to contain an exclusive definition of transportation which is regarded by the parties as "a single operation".
- Interstate Transportation
- means transportation between a point in any state of the United States and the District of Columbia and a point in any other state of the United States or the District of Columbia.
- Intraline Transporation
- means transportation solely over the services of a single carrier.
- Jet Aircaft
- (applicable between Canada and Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands) means the following aircraft (and all series thereof): A-300, B-320C, B-707, B-720, B727, B-737, B-747, BAC-111, BAC-1-11, Caravelle, CV-880, CV-990, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, F-28 and l-1011.
- Local Currency Fares
- means fares and related charges expressed in the currency of the country of commencement of travel, as defined in rule 145(a).
- Maximum Outside Linear Dimensions
- means the sum of the greatest outside length plus the greatest outside depth plus the greatest outside height.
- Micronesia
- means the area comprised of Guam, Johnston Island, Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands, Palau Island, Mariana Islands.
- Middle East
- means the area comprised of Aden, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Israel,Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Muscat and Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Trucial, Oman, United Arab Emirates and Republic of Yemen.
- Military Agencies
- means departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the respective academies of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard, and the National Guard. The reserve officer training corps is not included.
- Military Passenger
- means military personnel of the U.S. military agencies who are on active duty status or who have been discharged from active military service within seven days of the date of travel.
- Miscellaneous Charges Order
- means a document issued by a carrier or its agents requesting issue of and appropriate passenger ticket and baggage check or provision of services to the person named in such document.
- National
- means a person who has the citizenship of a country, either by birth or by naturalization.
- Normal Fare
- means the full fare established for a regular or usual service, the application of which is not dependent upon any limited period of ticket validity or other special circumstances. Unless otherwise specified in the provisions of this tariff, normal fares shall be considered to include the following, all year one-way, round trip, circle trip and open jaw trips, first class, business class, executive class, economy class, one-class standard service, standard service, tourist/coach class service and thrift class service fares, on-season and off-season fares.
- North Central Pacific
- means all routes between points in Canada/U.S.A. on the one hand and points in area 3 except points in the Southwest Pacific, on the other hand via the Pacific Ocean.
- North America
- means the area comprising Alaska, Canada, Continental U.S.A. and Mexico.
- Neutral Unit of Constructions
- (nuc) means the unit value equivalent of local currency fares, addons and related charges derived by converting same using the Iata Rate of Exchange.
- On-Line Tariff Database
- means the remotely accessible, on-line version, maintained by the filer, of (1) the electronically filed tariff data submitted to the "Official D.O.T. Tariff Database," and (2) the departmental approvals, disapprovals and other actions, as well as departmental notations concerning such approvals, disapprovals or other actions, that Subpart W of the proposed part 221 requires the filer to maintain in its database. The term "Official D.O.T. Database" means those data records (as set forth in sections 221.283 and 221.286 of the rule) which would be in the custody of, and maintained by the department of transportation.
- Online Transfer Point
- means any point at which the passenger transfers from one service of a carrier to another service of the same carrier (bearing a different flight number).
- Open Jaw Trip
- means travel which is essentially of a round trip nature but the outward point of departure and inward point of arrival and/or outward point of arrival and inward point of departure of which are not the same.
- Other Charges
- means charges such as taxes, fees, etc not to be shown in the fare construction box of the ticket excluding excess baggage charges.
- Passenger
- means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with the consent of carrier.
- Passenger Coupon
- means that portion of the passenger ticket constituting the passenger's written evidence of the contract of carriage.
- Passenger Ticket
- means those portions of the ticket issued by the carrier that provide for the carriage of the passenger.
- Prepaid Ticket Advice
- means the notification between offices of a carrier by teletype, commercial wire or mail that a person in one city has purchased and requested issuance of prepaid transportation to a person in another city.
- Propeller Aircraft
- means the following aircraft (and all series thereof): Aero Commander 500B, Beechcraft 99, Boeingvertol 107, Brittania, CD-2 GAF N22-B/N 24-A Nomad, Cessna 180, Cessna 185, Cessna 402, Cessna Titan 404, CV-240, CV-340, CV-440, CV-540, CV-580, CV-600, CV-640, DC-3, DC-4, DC-6, DC-7, Dehavilland DHC-2, Dehavilland DHC-6, Electra, F-27, FH-227, Grumman G-21, Grumman G-73, G-21A Turbo Goose, HP Herald l-188, l-749, l-1049, l-1649, M-202, M-404, Nord-262, Nord M-298, Pilatus Porter PC6/350, Pilatus Porter PC6/A, PA-18, Piper Aztec, Piper Navajo, Short-Harland SC-7, Short Skyvan, Sikorsky S-55, Sikorsky S-58-C, Sikorsky S-61, Sikorsky S-62-A, Super Catalina PBY, Swearingen Metro (ga226), Twin Otter Vanguard, Viscount, Westland SR-N5 and YS-11.
- Proportional Fare:
- see "arbitrary"
- Related Charges
- means those charges to be shown in the fare construction box of the ticket and excess baggage charges.
- Reroute
- means to issue a new ticket covering transportation to the same destination as, but via a different routing than, that designated on the ticket, or portion thereof, than held by the passenger, or to honor the ticket, or portion thereof, then held by the passenger for transportation to the same destination as, but via a different routing than, that designated thereon.
- Resident
- means a person normally living in a country; provided that a more restricted definition may form part of an agreement reached locally.
- Round Trip
- means travel from one point to another and return by any air route for which the same normal all year through one way fare of the same class applies from the point of origin; provided that this definition shall not apply to journeys for which the same all year through one way fare is established, between two points, in either direction around the world.
- Routing
- means the carrier(s) and/or the cities and/or class of service and/or type of aircraft (jet or propeller) via which transportation is provided between two points.
- Scandinavia
- means the area comprising denmark, norway and sweden.
- School Year
- means a period of 12 consecutive months less whatever interruptions for vacations are normally granted by the education establishment at which the student is enrolled; provided that where the official scholastic year is less than 12 months, "School Year" shall mean not less than 6 months period less whatever interruptions for vacations are normally granted at the educational establishment at which the student is enrolled.
- Single Open Jaw Trip
- means travel that is essentially of a round trip nature, except that the outward point of arrival and inward point of departure are not the same or the outward point of departure and inward point of arrival are not the same.
- means the sale and ticket issuance are both in the country of commencement of transportation.
- means the sale is made in the country of commencement of transportation and the ticket issuance is outside the country of commencement of transportation.
- means the sale is made outside the country of commencement of transportation and the ticket issuance is in the country of commencement of transportation.
- means the sale and ticket issuance are both outside the country of commencement of transportation.
- South America
- means the area comprising Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela.
- South East Asia
- means Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Province of, Guam, Hong Kong, {c}Indonesia, Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos, Malaysia, Mongolian Republic, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Province of Thailand, Russian Federation (East of Urals), Viet Nam.
- South Pacific
- means the area comprising of all routes between points in the U.D.S./Canada on the one hand and points in the Southwest Pacific on the other hand via thePacific Ocean.
- Southern Africa
- means points within Africa comprised of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia-Southwest Africa, South Africa and Swaziland.
- Southwest Pacific
- means that area comprised of Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, French Polynesia, Gilbert and Ellice Iislands, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, American Samoa, Society Islands, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Intermediate Islands.
- Special Drawing Right
- means a special unit of currency, the currency values of which fluctuate and are recalculated each banking day. These values are known to most commercial banks and are reported in some newpapers and in the imf survey, published weekly by the international monetary fund, Washington, D.C. 20431.
- Special Fare
- means a fare other than a normal fare.
- Ticket
- means the "passenger ticket and baggage check," including all flight, passenger and other coupons therein, issued by carrier, which provide for the carriage of the passenger and his baggage.
- Ticketed Point
- means points shown in the 'good for passage' section of the passenger ticket plus any other point(s) used for fare construction and shown in the fare construction box of the passenger ticket; provided that two flight numbers of two carriers such as for an interchange flight will not be permitted on one flight coupon.
- Transatlantic Sector
- means that portion of travel covered by a single flight coupon from the point of departure in Area No. 1 to the point of arrival in area no. 2 and vice versa.
- Transfer
- means a change from the flight on one carrier to the flight of another carrier; or a change from the flight of a carrier to another flight of the same carrier bearing the same flight number; or a change from the flight of a carrier to another flight (that is) a service bearing a different flight number of the same carrier, irrespective of whether or not a change of aircraft occurs.
- Transfer Point
- means any point at which the passenger transfers from the services of one carrier to another service of the same carrier (bearing a different flight number) or to the service of another carrier.
- Transit Point
- means any stop at an intermediate point on the route to be travelled (whether or not a change of planes is made) which does not fall within the definition of a stopover.
- Transpacific Sector
- means the portion of travel covered by a single flight coupon from the point of departure in Area 1 to the point of arrival in area 3 and vice versa.
- Trust Territory
- means the area comprising the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands and Marshall Islands.
- Unchecked Baggage
- which is equivalent to hand luggage, is baggage other than checked baggage.
- United Kingdom
- or U.K. means England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- "United States of America"
- or the "United States" or the "U.S.A." each means, unless otherwise specified, the area comprising the 48 contiguous federated states; the federal District of Columbia; Aalaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands; American Samoa; the Canal Zone; Guam; Midway and Wake Islands.
- United States Department of Defense
- means the U.S. departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force and the U.S. Marine Corps.
- Validate
- means to stamp or write on the passenger ticket an indication that the passenger ticket has been officially issued by carrier.
- West Africa
- means points within Africa, comprised of Benin (Dahomey), Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Upper Volta.
- Westbound
- means travel from a point in Area Nos. 2 or 3 to a point in Area No. 1 via the Atlantic Ocean or travel from a point in Area No. 1 to a point in Area Nos. 2 or 3 via the Pacific Ocean.
- Western Hemisphere
- means the United States of America, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Central and South America, Bermuda, Bahamas and the islands of the Caribbean Sea.